We work with physicians to implement strategic marketing and referral development plans for their practice.



Our mission is to help physicians communicate their services and practice clearly and effectively.


Our purpose is to help physicians manage and maintain their current referral base, increase new referrals, and form strong relationships within the medical community.


We are here for and because of the medical community. You can always expect us to be in person, ready to be your practice and brand ambassador.
Social Media
Meet & Greets

Referral Development

Our team assists physicians in referral/revenue growth by establishing and managing their relationships with other physicians. We use our services to promote physicians and their practice by targeting an agreed-upon list of healthcare providers. We use our marketing skills and marketing collateral to acquaint the target physicians and their staff with the services of the the physicians whom we represent. We repeatedly visit practices over a period of time based upon your needs.

Physician-to-Physician Relationship Management

In order to be a successful medical organization you must cultivate and nurture strong relationships with potential referral partners. Our team is ready to help you develop and implement the best methods to ensure healthy relationships within the medical community, as well as increase your patient referrals and practice revenue.

Referral Analysis

When a patient is referred, it is of the utmost importance to follow up with the referring physician and their staff to ensure that the mutual patient is receiving the best care possible. We visit the referring physicians, referral coordinators, medical assistants, and nurses on a regular basis to gather feedback that will be promptly reported back to you. Furthermore, our team will gather evaluations from your referral network, and then in turn will compile these assessments into a strategy that can be used to improve the overall quality of patient care.

Social Media Strategy

With nearly three-quarters of all online adults on social media, it is crucial for your practice to have a social media presence that is controlled by your brand. Together we can help you meet your patients where they are…online.


Your medical practice is a business and in order to be successful it needs Brand Recognition. Branding is the process of differentiating your medical practice from all other practices in the industry. Branding takes into account the “look and feel” of your office. Our team will develop a strategy to help you create a unique and attractive brand for your business. This will ensure that your existing patients, as well as prospective patients, will be able to identify with and remain loyal to your brand. Additionally, we will be dedicated to the exhibition of your brand through various avenues, such as: updating your website, business cards, marketing collateral, and even office signage.

Patient and Physician Education Materials

The marketing material that you present to your patients and referral partners is a direct representation of you and your practice. Our team can help create easy-to-reference education materials that will promote your practice and the services you provide.

Strategic Marketing Plan

At Medical Marketing Rx we believe that in order for you to achieve your business goals, you must have a clear marketing plan. Our team will create a monthly plan to help track your practice’s goals and progress.

Physician Meet and Greets

We like to believe that in business, “It can all begin with a handshake…” Therefore, our team will personally conduct research to determine potential referral partners that will be the most beneficial to your referral needs. Our goal is to ensure a strong referral base that comes from strong relationships within the medical community.

Community Relations Campaigns

As patients become active healthcare consumers, it is critical to connect with them and stay connected. Our team will help you create marketing messages and determine where your advertising dollars would be best spent.

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